Gaurav's Blog

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Mandal commission

This week must be depressing for many students who are studing hard and must be putting their all time in books just to get admission in top most institutes in India like IIT’s and IIM’s, after listening the views of govt. of increasing the Quota for lower caste peoples. I myself was also really depressed after hearing all this news. I simply cannot able to make out that why these politicians always ready to play with carrier of lacks of students just to increase their vote bank. And why they run away from the actual problem and actual feasible solution they can provide for the problem. This reservation was very hardly pushed by late B.R. Ambedkar to provide attract students from lower caste and then finally implemented by mandal commission in 1990 by Hon. Ex. Prime minister V.P Singh.

But I still question him firstly that why this quota system is on caste based and not on the economic status of the family of the student. Govt. is running away from doing this work and recognise the actual needy person for this quota. But I think this can be easily done just by channelising the system, and we can get the list of economic status by the help of municipal party, panchayats, IT department and other special formed commetes also can do this. They can list down the people who can actually can’t afford to study and need such kind of facility and then govt. can take step for them to provide them way and facilities for education.

My next question is Do we really want any kind of quota for any kind of people? I think by putting quota we are telling them not to work much hard. Govt. must provide poor student free education instead of quota. Govt. can setup public libraries where student can actually study and prepare himself to face any kind of tuff competition. Right now govt. is providing free education at lower level and providing them free meal also to attract more and more children. If govt. is so confident about the facilities and education

Provided to these students in school then why they need any kind of quota in any exam after there school. They must be competent to crack any exam. But govt. knows that education provided by them is not good and not sufficient, so just to hide this fact they are providing quota at higher level.

My next question is that if we are providing quota in education to make sure that everybody gets equal education then why do they need any kind of reservation in jobs?

If two peoples are passes out from same college and had done same education then why one have any reserved seat in govt. jobs.

Next thing comes in my mind is that govt. is already providing basic education at school and college level then if even after student is not capable of getting job or getting admission in post graduation then they themselves are responsible for this and not govt. They themselves had not studied hard during there schooling and graduation. So I think Quota in post graduate course must be fully removed and admissions must be fair and equal for everybody.

Now I am taking the case of particular IIM’s. Let we provide the quota in these management institutes and students take admission in them. If they can pay the fee for these institutes then why can’t they afford their study at any level? And why they need any excuse for poor background family.

We can think of a faculity who will be teaching the students of a class which contains 50% students having education level and mental level of 2 and other having education level of 4-5. So to provide them education equally they cannot take the student of level 5 to 10 just only because level 2 cannot directly be taken to level 10.

So faculty also can balance and take whole class maximum just to level 7-7.5. And finally 50% of class suffers, as they are expecting them to reach at a level of 9-10 but they will be at level of just 7-7.5. And this results in dropping the level and quality of education of these top most institutes who had already spend decades of there efforts to reach that level and had got recognized in all over world.

So in my believe govt. is not doing fair with any body. Neither with general category students nor with poor students (reserve category). They are actually closing the way for them to develop their mind and to compete with other guys. And for other students they are lowering the education level.

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